Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Whole Grain Nutella Frosted Muffins

Who doesn't love the combination of chocolate and hazelnut?  One thing is for sure Nutella is never in short supply at our house, MaMa makes sure of it!  No, nutella isn't compensating us for this in any way...we just love it and thought it would be fun to share a yummy way to start your day.

Whole Grain Nutella Frosted Muffins
You already know about MaMa's insatiable sweet tooth, so it goes without saying, of course she frosted her morning muffin.

Ingredeints for Whole Grain Nutella Frosted Muffins:

8 Tbs butter, melted
1 c Joseph's Grainery Soft White Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
1 c Joseph's Grainery Barley Flour
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 c sugar
3 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla

Directions:  Preheat your oven to 325 degrees and line your muffin tin with paper liners (or spray with cooking spray).  In your mixer, cream together the butter and sugar until they are light and fluffy.  Then add the eggs one at a time.  Add the vanilla.

Gradually stir in the flour, salt and baking soda.  Once it is just combined, fill each muffin tin with batter, using a 1/3 cup measure to scoop it out (this helps make all your muffins look a little more uniform and definitely cuts down on the mess).  Add 1 tsp of Nutella to the top of the batter in each tin.  Use a toothpick to swirl it into the batter.

Bake the muffins for about 16 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.  Let the muffins cool on a wire rack, then frost with more Nutella.  :)

Whole Grain Nutella Frosted Muffins cool on the rack.


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