Monday, July 5, 2010

How to Grow Wheat Grass - Part 4

We hope that you all had a wonderful and safe 4th of July!

Guess what?  Our wheat grass that we planted a week and a half ago is ready for us to use.  Check out how much it's grown:
My MaMa says she's going to quite saying that I'm "growing like a weed," instead she's going to start saying that I'm "growing like wheat." 

You can go ahead and "harvest" the wheat grass at this point.  To do so, simply take a pair of scissors and cut the blade of grass just above where the blade turns from white to green, about an inch above the soil.  Then it's ready for you to use however you wish!  Sorry, I'm personally not a fan of wheat grass juice, so we'll leave that part up to you.  :)


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