Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Baronesse Barley Harvest Day 2024


RSVP's have Closed.  
Directions were sent Thursday (Aug 15th) to the e-mail you rsvp'd with.  
Please check your spam/junk folder prior to reaching out to us at info@josephsgrainery.com

August 17th is Baronesse Barley Harvest Day!  Stand in the field where the barley is grown, while enjoying brews and spirits made with Baronesse Barley.  The Joseph's Grainery crew will be harvesting the 2024 crop while you tap your toes to local band, Tone Sober.  Bring your camera and your favorite friends - and experience a full circle moment - when you meet the farmer, maltster, brewers & distillers standing in the field where it's grown.

We'll be e-mailing out directions to the event in the couple days prior - so registering here is the only way to ensure you'll find out the location of this year's party!

Are you a brewer or distiller who'd love to share what you make with Joseph's Grainery whole grains?  We'd love to include you in this celebration!  Let us know you'll be joining us and we'll make sure to have a table availabe for you.

Home Brew Competition - sign up at this link, but please also reserve a pint glass as a "brewer" at the link above.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Baronesse Barley Harvest Day 2023


This Year's Event is SOLD OUT!

August 19th is Baronesse Barley Harvest Day!  Stand in the field where the barley is grown, while enjoying brews and spirits made with Baronesse Barley.  The Joseph's Grainery crew will be harvesting the 2023 crop while you tap your toes to local band, Tone Sober.  Bring your camera and your favorite friends - and experience a full circle moment - when you meet the farmer, maltster, brewers & distillers standing in the field where it's grown.

We'll be e-mailing out directions to the event in the couple days prior - so registering here is the only way to ensure you'll find out the location of this year's party!

Are you a brewer or distiller who'd love to share what you make with Joseph's Grainery whole grains?  We'd love to include you in this celebration!  Let us know you'll be joining us and we'll make sure to have a table availabe for you.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

2023 Baronesse Barley Harvest Day - SAVE THE DATE

Enjoy an afternoon of brews & spirits featuring Baronesse Barley.

Stand in the field where it's grown, while we harvest the 2023 crop.

Hear live band, Tone Sober, cover your favorite tunes and a few of their original songs.

Meet the farmer, maltster, brewers and distillers.

See the farm and shoot some photos.

Registration details to follow.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Baronesse Barley Harvest Day 2022


This Year's Event Is SOLD OUT!

Brewers & Distillers ONLY - RSVP Here

***Directions to this year's location will be e-mailed out a few days prior to the event to the e-mail address entered when rsvp-ing.

August 20th is Baronesse Barley Harvest Day!  Stand in the field where the barley is grown, while enjoying brews and spirits made with Baronesse Barley.  The Joseph's Grainery crew will be harvesting the 2022 crop while you tap your toes to local band, Tone Sober.  Bring your camera and your favorite friends - and experience a full circle moment - when you meet the farmer, maltster, brewers & distillers standing in the field where it's grown.

We'll be e-mailing out directions to the event in the couple days prior - so registering here is the only way to ensure you'll find out the exact location of this year's party!

Are you a brewer or distiller who'd love to share what you make with Joseph's Grainery whole grains?  We'd love to include you in this celebration!  Let us know you'll be joining us and we'll make sure to have a table availabe for you.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

2022 Baronesse Barley Harvest Day - SAVE THE DATE


 Enjoy an afternoon of brews & spirits featuring Baronesse Barley.

Stand in the field where it's grown, while we harvest the 2022 crop.

Hear live band, Tone Sober, cover your favorite tunes and a few of their original songs.

Meet the farmer, maltster, brewers and distillers.

See the farm and shoot some photos.

Registration details to follow.


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